Radically focus your product team

Venture-backed challenger brands call me as a Fractional Head of Product to:

  • Get them organized
  • Run or be their product team
  • Design their whole damn app
  • Hit their OKRs

Friends call me for food gardening advice 🌾🪴🥕🍅

I'm a full stack product strategist and operator.

My 14 years in tech and 10 in product help you learn what to build and why, construct a well oiled machine, then execute – and a whole lot more!
Product Leadership + Vision

What are the right OKRs? Who is our ideal customer? Who are the early adopters? What do we do well?

Product Management + Analytics

What are we building? In what order?  Why? Is this the most impactful thing to work on? Does it help us hit OKRs?

Product UX + Visual Design

What’s the core architecture? How do we enable key workflows? How does the solution look, feel, and work?

User Research + Market Validation

What is the full world of our users? What do they really need? Are our designs successful? How do we know? Will they pay for it?

Wanna Get Rad? 
Then We Have to Get Hardcore.
The Rad Plant Man philosophy involves 8 working principles to help guide us to a fruitful, earnest engagement. Here are two examples:
Bring People to the Table – No Silos
Corporate or startup, I have a rep for getting the right people in the room to get aligned, surface hard conversations, and make clear decisions to move the product and company forward. Titles don’t matter.
Ask Hard Questions, Be Intellectually Honest
The truth is the way, so I  make it my priority to leverage my curiosity in pursuit of emotional and intellectual honesty, truth, and rigor. It's in reflection and conflict that we grow – I operate this way because I  believe in its power and, more often than not, this way of being leads to insights we can then address together.

Get Occasional Reflections on Startup Trends, Product, and Plants

Get my brain for free once every few months. Ie: "Most AI Is Just Machine Learning", "PLG = We Don't Have Money For Marketing", and "Look at This Tomato, Isn't It Pretty?"
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