What I Do
While I focus on Product, my capabilites extend well beyond it. To work with RPM is to have all of it at your disposal at the same rate. I'm here to help your business, wherever best applied.
Engagement Models
I operate on a fractional model, though am open to a deeper commitment with a leadership team, mission, and market that's a strong fit.
Indefinite Monthly Retainer

From 5-20 hours a week, indefinitely or termed, paid by the sprint. 30 Day Cancelation notice.

Sprint-Based Work

From 5-20 hours a week for a set number of two week sprints, strictly scoped.

Hourly Rate

Bring me in for an hour, a day, or a week to deliver concentrated strategic and practical value.

Product and Design Services

I’ve spent 14 years in tech, 10 as a product and design leader, 5 as CEO. I’ve worked with dozens of companies from idea stage to post-IPO, and lead from any title at any organization.
Product Leadership + Vision

What are the right OKRs? Who is our ideal customer? Who are the early adopters? What do we do well?

  • EOS Mission, Culture, Values Collateral
  • Design Workshop Facilitation
  • Ideal Customer Profile Map / Document
  • Competitive Analysis + Differentiation
  • Current vs Ideal Customer Experience Map
  • Key Product / Design Hire Guidance
Product Management + Analytics

What are we building? In what order?  Why? Is this the most impactful thing to work on? Does it help us hit OKRs?

  • Objective and Key Results Tracking Doc
  • Product Roadmap by Quarter, Year
  • Product KPIs/Metrics Architecture by Feature
  • Product Requirements Doc Template
  • Agile 2-week Sprint Rhythm
Product UX + Visual Design

What’s the core architecture? How do we enable key workflows? How does the solution look, feel, and work?

  • Mobile App Information Architecture and Key Workflow Wireframes
  • A Fully Designed + Validated Mobile or Web App MVP with Concept Designs to Guide Future Development and Fundraising
  • Worth Reiterating – I'll Concept, Structure, Explore Solutions, Test, and Iterate on The App Myself, Working with Eng/Leadership
  • A Lean, Elegant, Minimal, Clear, and Effective Visual Design System That Accelerates Development
User Research + Market Validation

What is the full world of our users? What do they really need? Are our designs successful? How do we know? Will they pay for it?

All research includes strategy, recruitment, execution (of survey, interview, or other methodology), synthesis, and presentation.

  • Baseline UX Score + Usability Testing
  • Validate New Features at Ideation Stage
  • Discovery interviews to Uncover New Innovation Opportunities
  • Pricing Tolerance Research

Growth Services

My bonus superpower. I spent the first 6 years of my career in growth marketing, including as one-man marketing department for a startup acquired by Salesforce. I built a growth framework I still consult with today.
Growth Strategy + Operations Architecture

Who is our go to market target? How do we reach our audience affordably, repeatably, at scale?

Productizing growth orgs into a trackable, predictable, experiment-driven machines.

  • Brand and Conversion-based Web Design
  • Go-to-market Strategy with OKRs
  • Growth Machine Framework + Dashboard
  • Proto-positioning and Messaging
  • Growth Experiment Roadmap According to Resourcing and Internal Capability
Lean Brand Design

How does your brand show up in the world with presence and consistency? You need something good enough.

Your brand sucks or is massively inconsistent in a way that’s awkward and confusing prospects. I’ll fix it.

  • One Deep Stakeholder Interview + Three Strict, Narrowing Rounds of Brand Explorations
  • Brand Style Guide Covering Logo, Type, Color, Iconography, Imagery, Illustration, Voice + Tone
  • Messaging and Positioning Recommendations
  • Brand Concept Extensions Mockups
  • (Not your forever brand but very good.)
Growth Collateral Design

How can we quickly generate the collateral we need to sell? Not glamorous, but I’ll do it.

I end up doing so much of it I may as well just offer it formally, same rate as everything else.

  • Pitch, Fundraising, and Sales Deck Visual Design and Content Development
  • Extend Brand to Business Cards, Standing Banners, Table Banners, Standard T-shirts, Email Templates, One-Pagers, All That.

Executive Services

I help founders – especially mission-driven ones – get intensely rigorous about their entire businesses – to hit goals, raise money, tell their story, and build performant, empowering cultures.
Startup Executive Coaching

How do I organize my business to make it manageable? How can I create clear, healthy cultures that get the best from my team?

  • EOS Mission, Culture, Values Collateral
  • Going from "Founder" to "CEO" - Knowing Your Role
  • Live Pitch Coaching to Stand Out and Still Be You
  • Fundraising Strategy, Funnel Management, and Investor Comms
  • Conflict Resolution Soundboarding
  • Cultural Norms, Rhythms, and Hiring Strategy
Chief of Staff / Operations Consulting

How can you focus on team, culture, fundraising, and closing deals with your company in good, accountable hands?

I’ll come in and run day to day operations using my product and growth team frameworks to hold the entire company accountable to OKRs and roadmaps, acting as an integrator, reporting to the CEO, and empowering teams with a culture to produce their best work.

Ecosystem Services

Applying my 14 years of operator, executive, and startup advisor experience for venture firms and accelerators.
Keynote Speaking / Team Brownbag

Hire me to give one of my presentations, provide my perspective, or teach your team.

I speak on topics involving startup thinking, angel and VC fundraising, product strategy, design, visual design hacks, lean user research, live pitch performance, pitch deck storytelling, and the Latinx experience in tech and startup.

Venture Capital EIR, Deal Sourcing + Review

Conduct market analysis, interview teams, and evaluate investability.

I'll work with venture capital firms to source and scout deals in climate, consumer, and Saas, evaluating their “How We Work” to determine market viability. I am also seeking opportunities as an EIR with venture firms.

Other Services

As personal passions, I like to devote time as an edible gardening educator, a cocktail and spirits educator (including their agricultural basis), and design artsy cocktail menus.
Cocktail Menu Design

I create experimental, culinary, concept-driven cocktail menus for high end clients looking to create unique experiences.

We hold a deep interview about you, the story you want to tell, and I develop a custom craft cocktail menu for your event or establishment. Options for small intimate gatherings as well as wedding-scale events and corporate signature cocktails. Snobby Note: these are creative, tailored craft recipes, not vodka red bulls! Thank you in advance.

Cocktail Classes

Learn how to taste spirits and make cocktails at home as a way to engage and enrich your team or friends.

  • Please Be Curious People Who Love Learning
  • 20-60 min options – "theory" part+ hands-on
  • Optional focus on one spirit category or geo
  • People learn to make their own drinks then make them themselves. I’m not “the bartender”!
  • Zoom, Travel to you or host up to 30 people @ Bar Roman in North Central Austin
Edible Garden Consult + Education

Leveraging my five years as garden CEO and master gardener training to help you enjoy the beauty of growing your own food.

I don’t build gardens for clients myself, but I will sit down with you for an hour, talk through what space you have, what your garden goals are, what to plant, what to expect, and generate a proto-design for your edible home garden, teaching you how to think about gardening along the way.

  • Herb + Vegetable Gardening 101
  • Apartment / Balcony Gardening / Cocktail Gardens
  • How to Grow and Maintain a Fruit Tree
  • Advanced Container Gardening

Let's Get Started

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