How I Work
The values and principles that guide the distinct Rad Plant Man approach.
I work with Challenger Brands: companies that want to show up with an edge and strong, clear perspective in their market and that challenge their own ideas.
1. Hold the Wholistic Business Perspective
I’ve hired, fired, raised capital (and failed raising), run books, budgeted, forecasted, etc. You get a business leader and partner whether you hire me as Head of Product or as a Custodian.
Stephen Bay
CEO, Earthup (2023)

We really leveled up when we brought Roman on. He’s really been the big key for us this year. He does a really good job of taking my wild ideas, figuring out how to make them work, and challenging me on what doesn’t make sense.

Micah Cook
Software Engineer, Renoster (2024)

It was great working with you. You're one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met surrounding product and design and a great person to talk with.

2. Be Nimble: From Cosmos to Quark
Not just a strategy guy, but an operator who designs to the pixel, researches, builds data schemas, and enjoys enabling others to do it through frameworks. Ready to zoom out and zoom in to the finest of mechanical details.
3. Bring People to the Table - No Silos
Corporate or startup, I have a rep for getting the right people in the room to get aligned, surface hard conversations, and make clear decisions to move the product and company forward. Titles don’t matter.
Roger Serrat
CTO, EarthUP (2023)

There was EarthUP before Roman and there has been after Roman. We were just kind of building random things before. Now the platform makes sense, we can prove value, and we know where it’s headed.

Andrew Raiford
Design Manager, Rackspace (2019)

You are absolutely on my dream team of designers. I’ve always been deeply impressed with your ability to self-edit when given feedback.

4. Ask Hard Questions, Be Intellectually Honest
My calling card. You say you know something, I'll ask how you know it. I sense discomfort, I'm going to call it out. It is core to me that healthy, productive conflict is our greatest opportunity for growth as individuals and as companies. It is only ever in the interest of understanding, improving, and company growth. More often that not, we uncover huge issues we can then go fix.
5. Clarity Through Rigor, Systems, Externalization, and Socialization
I make sure your product organization is systematic – predictable, clear goals and rhythms. And I ensure your product corresponds to those goals, and that everyone understands and took part in them. One line of clarity and communication through the company. It's math!
William Loopesko
Engineeering Lead, Renoster (2024)

I've been dreading [your departure] for weeks. Our product org is really going to miss you. The next person will have some big shoes to fill.

AJ Coppa
Software Engineer, Rackspace (2019)

Roman’s got a kind of cowboy attitude – he’s going to make things better no matter what.

6. Be Flexible In Impact
It’s not uncommon I start with an organization in some product capacity then consult through a re-brand, or help design their growth strategy. I'm here to help your business, wherever I'm needed. I  will always ask, "Is this the most impactful thing I  can do right now to hit our agreed upon OKRs and push the business forward?"
7. Keep It Fun, Keep It Human
For all the talk on systems and machines, I make shameless puns, generate absurd analogies, and make an effort to really get to know people – their wants, needs, and joys – and make ‘em feel seen. Humans are good.
Catherine Malcolm
Operations Lead, EarthUP (2024)

I've really appreciated your work, leadership, overall vibe you bring to a team. I don't know if we can replace the Roman spice.

Michael Barnes
Angel Investor @ Gardenio | CEO, Viva

I met Roman through the Divinc community after I exited my first startup and his passion for self-growth was so compelling he was my first angel investment. Even with Gardenio shuttered, I would choose to invest again and again.

8. Empower Others to Do Great Work
I originally wanted to be a philosophy professor, and take that spirit with me in the professional world – I want to help train your team on product, design, research, growth, and other models I've developed so you can be empowered to do great work with or without me. No gatekeeping. What matters is great work, whoever does it.
"Build a thing that does a thing that people like, want to share, and pay for."
The Rad Plant Man Early Product Thesis

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